Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Elusive Treasury

I finally got a treasury! My theme was birds. I tried to choose sellers I had not ever seen on the front page of Etsy before. It drives me crazy when I see the same sellers over and over again. Don't get me wrong, I am happy they are getting some exposure, but I think that Etsy should spread the love around. It feels as though there are some sellers that someone at Etsy must really like. But enough about that.

It's funny: I absolutely love representations of birds in art, yet I'm not incredibly fond of the real thing. Sure they are beautiful creatures, but I wouldn't like to have one as a pet.Something about all that chirping when you're trying to sleep makes them a less than ideal pet to me. I feel that birds are best appreciated through art or in the wild. So go and check out my treasury when you get a chance! :)

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